
What is Viscosupplementation?

Viscosupplementation is an FDA-approved procedure that involves injecting hyaluronic acid, a gel-like fluid, directly into the joint. Hyaluronic acid is naturally produced by the body and found surrounding joints to reduce friction that can occur during movement.
The viscosupplementation injection lubricates the knee joint and creates more cushioning during movement, which works to reduce pain and improve your ability to move without pain.
Apex Health offers the highest standards in natural pain relief. We tailor each viscosupplementation treatment to match the needs of each individual patient. Our goal is to develop a customized care plan to help each patient achieve lasting pain relief
Call Apex Health at your local Seminole, Florida location to schedule your complimentary consultation about our knee pain program – and find out how viscosupplementation can help get you moving again, without pain. If you prefer, you can also request an appointment or sign up for your complimentary consultation right now.